
Why I always use ‘var’ in C#

The var keyword was introduced in C# 3.0 back in 2007 and remains a topic of debate within development teams. Personally, I advocate for its use, and here’s why the arguments against it don’t sway me.

‘var’ is Strongly Typed

Once a variable is declared, the compiler infers its type and validates any new assignment using that type. This process aligns with the rules of the Type.IsAssignableFrom method. Attempts to assign values that would make this method return false are not allowed.

While it may seem obvious, there are still misconceptions that it behaves like its JavaScript counterpart. The closest approximation in C# would be using the dynamic keyword.

‘var’ Makes Refactoring Easier

In the lifecycle of any substantial project, multiple refactorings are inevitable. Having refactored numerous projects, I can attest that the use of var significantly improves productivity and code correctness.

Consider a scenario where a method returns a float and is utilized throughout the codebase. Later, you decide to enhance its precision by changing it to double. Without using var, you must manually update every instance where this method is used to match the new variable type.

Now, envision the reverse situation where the method returns a double, but you realize that a float is sufficient, saving memory. Unlike the previous case, the compiler won’t indicate where changes are needed because the .NET framework provides an implicit converter from float to double. The code compiles, but you might be inefficiently using resources, and it’s up to you to identify where modifications are required.

When employing var, the variables will compile to the correct type in both scenarios, streamlining the refactoring process. This applies to all types that can be implicitly converted.

‘var’ Eliminates Value Type Boxing

In the .NET framework, value types are boxed when cast to an interface type, causing them to be copied to the heap, and all method calls become virtual. This implicit boxing occurs when assigned to a variable declared as an interface type.

Typically, GetEnumerator() returns IEnumerator<T>, a reference type. However, List<T>.GetEnumerator() returns List<T>.Enumerator, a value type that implements IEnumerator<T>. If cast to the interface, the value is boxed. Many people overlook this distinction, but getting the type wrong can significantly impact performance. By using var, automatic avoidance of accidental boxing is ensured.

I’ve developed an analyzer featuring a rule to detect instances of this case: NetFabric.Hyperlinq.Analyzer

This applies to all value types that implement interfaces.

Exploring the Usefulness of ‘var’ Beyond IDEs

In Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio and Rider, variable types are conveniently displayed in tooltips when the cursor hovers over them. Critics of using var often argue that determining the type should be straightforward even without an IDE. However, I assert that giving precedence to meaningful variable and method names holds more significance than cluttering code with explicit type declarations. Well-chosen names prove invaluable when navigating through someone else’s code or revisiting one’s own work after a brief hiatus.

This rationale also holds true for fluent code styles. Consider LINQ usage, where it’s unusual to encounter each method result assigned to a variable with an explicitly declared type. Instead, data effortlessly flows from one method to another, enabling the code to be read like a coherent English sentence.

The same guiding principle extends to lambda expressions. I frequently find the use of short parameter names like i. Even worse, some opt for the use of _, introducing potential confusion with a discard placeholder while they are not discarding the parameter.

Personally, I consistently opt for more descriptive names such as item, person, or account, aligning with the parameter’s actual purpose.

For those favoring explicit types, strongly-typed delegates serve as an alternative, I don’t remember seeing anyone using this approach since lambdas were introduced.


C# is great at inferring types and allow strongly-typed code all over. var doesn’t contradict this and can be a great tool. Use it. You won’t regret.

I’ve found that I’m more productive and make fewer errors when I use var.

NOTE: C++ 11 introduces an equivalent auto keyword. Scott Meyers wrote in his “Effective Modern C++” book a great explanation on why you should also use it.

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